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Provided Home Assistant template functions, filters, and tests

How did those functions break up❓ They stopped calling each other πŸ₯

Spook provides quite a lot of new template functions, filters, and tests to the Home Assistant template engine. This reference page lists them all and points you to the right documentation for each of those template functions.


Flatten a lists of lists.

{{ flatten(["a", ["b", ["c"]]]) }}
{{ flatten(["a", ["b", ["c"]]], levels=1) }}

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Calculate the MD5 hash of a given value.

{{ md5("hash me") }}

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Calculate the SHA1 hash of a given value.

{{ sha1("hash me") }}

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Calculate the SHA256 hash of a given value.

{{ sha256("hash me") }}

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Calculate the SHA512 hash of a given value.

{{ sha512("hash me") }}

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Shuffles a list of items.

{{ shuffle(["a", "b", "c"]) }}
{{ shuffle(["a", "b", "c"], seed=42) }}

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Reveals the type of a given value.

{{ typeof("Spook") }}
{{ now() | typeof }}

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Unix file name pattern filteringΒΆ

Filter a lists of texts against a pattern.

{{ fnmatch_filter(["Spook", "Ghost], "Sp*k") }}
{{ fnmatch_filter(["Spook", "Spook2", "Ghost"], "Sp*") }}

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Unix file name pattern matchingΒΆ

Match text or a lists of texts against a pattern.

{{ fnmatch("Spook", "Sp*k") }}
{{ fnmatch(["Spook", "Spook2"], "Sp*") }}

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